What the fuck is this shit?
What kinda fucking low life piece of ass-wiped trashy shit is this? If you think this is funny, then you need some serious fucking help!
What the fuck is this shit?
What kinda fucking low life piece of ass-wiped trashy shit is this? If you think this is funny, then you need some serious fucking help!
New Lyrics
This is a one-chord song
This is a one chord song
It isn't very long
Like life it ain't that god danm long
can't we all get along.....
This one chords got a gun
This one chords got a gun
being shot in vain
straight into my fucking brains
for life's just one big pain....
(If you want to work together on this, let me know cuz I could make some really deep-shit for this song!)
lol you want to write a bunch of lyrics for me to sing along to one chord??
2 Words....
Please elaborate further in a PM.
Now this is TERRIBLE!!!!!
My computer volume was at normal, yet I had my neighbors come over to ask wtf was that? GOOD JOB!!!!!
XD That's exactly what I was going for! Thanks!
It's good, but not my fav.
To me, this version feels "Messy", and not very well organized and planned out. I can't tell ya if it's the fact that you have too many of the same types of sounds in this song, or if it's something else but it just feels sad and messy! Maybe use less Distortion? More Ping, Less Blur? Add some Heavy Bass and Drum Thump?
wanna collab?
You song managed to make me do something I have not done in a long time! I was put into a trance-like state, alowing me to actaully (for roughly 30 seconds) Meditate while in a fully alert state! This song has some serious power and influence over the mind! You've got some skills, use them well.....
Thanks alot man ;)
Go for Hardstyle
You should continue with a Hardstyle Shuffle and/or HardJump. Please let me know when you do have it up.
Hey dude, can you make a version with no lyrics in it please! Can you e-mail the mp3 to me d_n_m_2005@hotmail.com I want to use it as inspiration for a story I am writing. This song is just so wonderfully "Dawn Of The Dead"ish and it suites one of my characters perfectly!
I can't anymore, sorry bruh. My PC crashed with all my project files on it. ;/ And sorry it took so long to review, I hadn't noticed that I had a new one. xD.
Feel free to use as inspiration all you want, but I can't take 'em out. Sorry!
O_o Oooooo.....aaahhhhhh!
This would be the perfect theme song for a pissed-off, trench-coat rock'n, gun sling'n A-hole of a character who's out to kill that S.O.B who just raped his hoe in cold blood! PREPAIR TO DIE MUTHA_FUCKA!!!!!
O.o LMAO!!!!!!! thanks 4 ya review man lol, thats a very interesting image u put in my head
I think Captain Jack Sparrow had a little too much Rum.....
wheres the rum gone? LOL!
Joined on 6/7/09